General Chair
Dominique Noguet, CEA-LETI (France)
Dr Dominique Noguet is the Head of the Communication and Security Technology department of CEA-LETI. He has worked on software defined radio and cognitive for more than 15 years. For instance he coordinated the Oracle Project, which was the first European project on opportunistic radio and was the technical manager of the QoSMOS project (the cognitive radio flagship of the FP7). Dominique has been involved in dynamic spectrum access technology standardization (IEEE DYSPAN-SC) since 2008. He holds around 15 patents and has authored or co-authored 100 peer-reviewed papers. He has been involved in TPCs of major conferences and journals in the field of wireless communication.
Technical Program Committee Chair
- Klaus Moessner, University of Surrey (UK)
Publicity and Social Media Chairs
- Emilio Calvanese-Strinati, CEA-LETI (France)
- Masayuki Ariyoshi, NEC (Japan)
- Apurva Mody, BAE systems (USA), WhiteSpace Alliance
Publication Chair
- Jacques Palicot, Centrale Supélec (France)
Keynote & Panel Chair
- Paulo Marques, Instituto de Telecomunicacoes (Portugal)
Workshop Chair
- Jordi Pérez-Romero, UPC (Spain)
Tutorial Chair
- Sofie Polin, KU Leuven (Belgium)
Exhibition and Demonstration Chair
- Benoit Miscopein, CEA-LETI (France)
Local Chairs
- Pascal Conche, CEA (France)
- Audrey Scaringella, CEA (France)
Web Chair
- Yoann Roth, CEA-LETI (France)
Conference Coordinator
- Anna Horvathova, EAI (European Alliance for Innovation)