14th EAI International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks

June 11-12, 2019 | Poznan, Poland

Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for 5G and beyond

Stefan Parkvall
Ericsson Research

5G NR – The Next Generation Wireless Access

Keynote speaker
Freedom Square
Malta Lake

Marcin Dryjanski

Why “one-size-fits-all” approach does not work anymore?

Keynote speaker
Old Market Square
Parish Church
3D mural at Śródka Roundabout
Old Brewery (Półwiejska str.)

Important dates


Important dates
Start of Conference
11 June 2019
End of Conference
12 June 2019

We are looking forward to see you
at CROWNCOM 2020!

See current edition

Proceedings are now available via SpringerLink and EUDL (link below).



Update: Proceedings have been published in SpringerLink Digital Library and EUDL.


All registered papers will be submitted for publication by Springer and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library.

Proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in leading indexing services, including Ei Compendex, ISI Web of Science, Scopus, CrossRef, Google Scholar, DBLP, as well as EAI’s own EU Digital Library (EUDL).

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to:

All accepted authors are eligible to submit an extended version in a fast track of:

Additional publication opportunities:

Publication partner:


  • Machine learning algorithms and solutions for 5G and beyond
  • Usage of Context Information in future wireless system
  • Spectrum and resource virtualization
  • Spectrum, infrastructure and resource management in future wireless networks
  • New applications of cognitive radio based technologies in future wireless networks
  • Deep learning and data mining in wireless networks
  • Spectrum sharing and cognitive networks, such as:
    – Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA)
    – Licensed Shared Access (LSA)
    – Licensed Assisted Access (LAA)
    – Citizen Broadband Radio Service with Spectrum Access System (CBRS and SAS)

  • Coexistence in unlicensed bands (including offload mechanisms)
  • Cognitive Radio Related Standards and initiatives
  • Spectrum efficiency optimisation at any layer level perspective (at PHY, MAC, networking and application level)
  • Radio resource slicing and radio virtualization techniques
  • Spectrum for digital inclusion
  • Application of cognitive radio and sharing for the IoT
  • Cognitive radio technology for V2V and V2X applications
  • Sharing and coexistence in mmWave bands
  • Spectrum sharing for satellite communications
  • Experimental results on spectrum efficiency of end-to-end wireless systems and trials
  • Spectrum sharing and security
  • Business aspects and new opportunities related to spectrum sharing models (DSA, LSA, LAA, coexistence) and deployments
  • Fundamentals of cognitive radio, e.g., advances in spectrum sensing, dynamic spectrum access

About CROWNCOM 2019

The aim of CROWNCOM 2019 is to bring together researchers from academia, industry, standards, and policy to present their new solutions of how cognitive radio systems will help deliver the required stringent requirements of future 5G and beyond 5G networks. Following the success of last edition, the main scope of this event is on new application domains for the cognitive-based solutions in the context of 5G and beyond. In particular we will concentrate on such science and industry drivers as machine learning and big data analysis in future wireless networks.

Various aspects originated form Cognitive Radio domain, such as dynamic spectrum access, increased system flexibility through access to rich context information, spectrum sharing, virtualization and management, have been considered for application in various context. The emergence of 5G raised unprecedented expectations in terms of broadband services, latency and convergence of broadband systems with IoT networks. In this context, CROWNCOM 2019 will encompass a large scope of research topic also covering IoT in 5G and how cognitive mechanisms shall help leveraging access for billions of devices ; mmWave and how specific propagation and operation in these bands bring new sharing mechanisms ; how resource allocation amongst bands (including offload mechanisms) shall be solved. The key focus will be on how rich data analysis can improve the delivery of above defined services.

About EAI

This event is organized by EAI.

EAI – European Alliance for Innovation is a non-profit organization and a professional community established in cooperation with the European Commission to empower the global research and innovation, and to promote cooperation between European and International ICT communities.

EAI’s vision is to foster excellence in research and innovation on the principles of transparency, objectivity, equality, and openness. Our guiding principle is community cooperation to create better research, provide fair recognition of excellence and transform best ideas into commercial value proposition.

EAI‘s mission is to create an environment that rewards excellence transparently, and builds recognition objectively regardless of age, economic status or country of origin, where no membership fees or closed door committees stand in the way of your research career.

Through these shared values, EAI leads the way toward advancing the world of research and innovation, empowering individuals and institutions for the good of society to fully benefit from the digital revolution.

Previous CROWNCOM editions

2018 – Ghent, Belgium
2017 – Lisbon, Portugal
2016 – Grenoble, France
2015 – Doha, Qatar
2014 – Oulu, Finland
2013 – Washington DC, United States
2012 – Stockholm, Sweden
2011 – Osaka, Japan
2010 – Cannes, France
2009 – Hannover, Germany
2008 – Singapore, Singapore
2007 – Orlando, Florida, United States
2006 – Mykonos Island, Greece






Organizing institution