CROWNCOM panel on 5G perspectives
20th Sep. 18:30 – 19:30
Chair: Paulo Marques, Instituto de Telecomunicações
- Luis Correia (Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal)
- Maziar Nekovee (University of Sussex, UK)
- Luis Santo (NOS, Portugal)
- Pedro Vieira (CELFINET, Portugal)
- Jaime Afonso (ANACOM and Vice-Chairman of CEPT ECC)
- Seppo Yrjola (NOKIA, Finland)
- Q1: Which applications will lead the 5G market ?
- Q2: What 5G elements\technologies will be deployed first ?
- Q3: What are the priority spectrum bands for 5G (< 6 GHZ) ?
- Q4: What spectrum regulators have to do for Europe to have a leading role in 5G?
- Q5: How MNOs will finance 5G deployments in an era of stagnating ARPUS ?
- Q6: What about 5G outside the big cities ?
- Q7: What is missing in the current 5G vision ?